by advocate | Sep 24, 2012 | Heroes, human trafficking prevention, Moldova, News Update
We posed some questions to Kelly, one of the founders of Justice For Youth. He is a very busy man who travels extensively and has a lot of responsibilities, including being a very strategic JFY Advocate wherever he goes, and we so much appreciated him taking the time...
by advocate | Aug 12, 2012 | Moldova
An Informative Excerpt from David Batstone’s “Not For Sale” One of the best books on the subject of human trafficking is “Not For Sale” by David Batstone. we would go so far as to say it is a textbook that should sit on the top of every...
by advocate | Dec 5, 2011 | Featured, Moldova
Moldova Poster Campaign Launches The school season in Moldova began September 1 and one month later JFY’s poster campaign was launched with partnering organizations promoting human trafficking awareness across the nation. This has been a 6 month planning process...