Standing in front of the clinic the black abortion abolitionist reads: “Abortion is the number one killer of black people, killing more black people than all other deaths combined”
The documentary 3801 Lancaster, writer by Writer, Director and Abolitionsit David Altrogge (top left) is a gripping, up close account of the case against Kermitt Gosnell, the abortion doctor who has been accused of operating a “House of Horrors” at 3801 Lancaster Ave in the heart of Philadelphia. Live babies having the spinal cords severed. Women dying right in the table. Girls being drugged and manipulated. A grisly story indeed.
Gosnell’s actions pull back the curtain on this procedure and allow Americans to contemplate a disquieting prospect: that abortion itself is an inherently violent act, the grisly details of which remain hidden even from the patients in the operating room — and that if those specifics were truly understood, public support for it would wane. —Carl M. Cannon
3801 Lancaster Is A Must See
We recommend 3801 Lancaster as a MUST SEE experience for anyone interested in human rights, at risk children, and seeing first hand what goes on inside an abortion clinic.
The video is below. You can also see the video and join the conversation at their website: 3801Lancaster.com