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Stop Human Trafficking

Let’s Stop Human Trafficking Together!

Human Trafficking is a crime against humanity. It involves an act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them. Between 29 and 30 million people are enslaved today. Human trafficking is the second most lucrative  organized crime on the planet, raking in over 32 billion dollars a year. It is also the fastest growing organized crime. Join with us to stop human trafficking!

You can…

Stop human trafficking by raising awareness in your school, church or workplace

Stop human trafficking by donating  money. A donation of just $19 will reach an entire school in Moldova with the seminar providing vital information they need to avoid being trafficked. DONATE TO STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKINGStop Human Trafficking

Stop human trafficking by going to a country and serving at risk youth on the front lines. JFY will be conducting field trips to Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Australia in the summer of 2013! Find out more: FIELD TRIPS TO STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING

Raising Voices To Stop Human Trafficking

Below are a few voices we captured on our most recent field trip to London during the Olympic Games, where we participated in the  “Global Initiative To Fight Human Trafficking” sponsored by the United Nations and the London based charity Stop The Traffik…



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UKC Students Making Waves

UKC Students Making Waves

Update From UKC Against Human Trafficking From the start of term UKC Against Human Trafficking, a brand new student led volunteer group, has been engaged in non-stop events and planning. UKC against Human Trafficking exists to shock, raise awareness and call to action...

Reaching The Brothel Children

Reaching The Brothel Children

Jyoti Kalash: A Glimmer Of Light In A Dark Place Mumbai is the largest city in India and the epicenter of one of the most populous urban regions in the world. It is a documented “high supply zone' for women trafficked from  Bangladesh and Nepal, a wealthy but corrupt...

Obama Waives Sanctions On Countries That Recruit Child Soldiers

Obama Waives Sanctions On Countries That Recruit Child Soldiers

We were all inspired last week by the eloquent words of American president Barack Obama: "When a little boy is kidnapped, turned into a child soldier, forced to kill or be killed -- that's slavery," he declared in his speech at the Clinton Global Initiative....

UKC Against Human Trafficking

UKC Against Human Trafficking

New student led volunteer group, ‘UKC against Human Trafficking’ raring and ready to Stop the Traffik. This September a new student led volunteer group (SLVG), UKC against Human Trafficking, is starting up to shock, raise awareness and call to action students at the...

Interview With One Of Our Founders

Interview With One Of Our Founders

We posed some questions to Kelly, one of the founders  of Justice For Youth. He is a very busy man who travels extensively and has a lot of responsibilities, including being a very strategic JFY Advocate wherever he goes, and we so much appreciated him taking the time...

Inspiring A Generation 2012

Inspiring A Generation 2012

‘Inspiring a Generation’ has been the unique slogan used to promote the London 2012 Games in the United Kingdom. But what will actually happen to this Olympic Legacy so fondly proclaimed by Lord Coe? Lord Coe explained in the closing ceremony that:  "This may be the...

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Windpower Conference

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details



Plant a Tree

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details



Save a Life

Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa.   More Details

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