We received great news from Kelly today—a fresh up-date on our poster program in Moldova. Here it is:
“I just got an update from our partners in Moldova. Last month they did a city wide anti-trafficking campaign and hung our posters all over the city, in every school and many businesses. They held music concerts on the weekend and talked about trafficking and did short skits as well. Over 11,000 young people heard the presentation and even the mayor of the city shared some words affirming the campaign, warned about trafficking and said we must fight this together. The team went house to house handing out small leaflets as well to the people with the hotline number for more information. The city was Orhei (pop. 40,000) about 50km north of the capital of Chisinau. they want us to continue to partner with them to do this in every city over 15,000 people and show programs on TV and radio as well. The posters are part of the larger mass media campaign that JFY wants to do and help partner with others in Moldova. Billboards, TV, newspapers and school presentations are powerful ways to communicate a message concerning life and death. Modern day slavery must be eradicated from Eastern Europe! Campaigns are helping to make people aware! The more they understand this problem, the more wise choices will be made regarding future decisions about phony job offers or suspicious travel abroad. JFY is helping create a wave!”